Unique therapy for children
Unique therapy for children
with cerebral palsy
The rehabilitation methods
The rehabilitation methods
that really work
We want to help children
We want to help children
to stand on their own feet
Intensive rehabilitation
Intensive rehabilitation
after joint surgery
Modern equipment
Modern equipment
for effective rehabilitation
Unique healing source
Unique healing source
iodine-bromine brine
Effective neurorehabilitation
Effective neurorehabilitation
for children

Our team

Our team of highly qualified specialists with many years of experience endeavour to make optimal conditions for every client to achieve maximum improvement of their health condition. Permanent 24-hour medical and nursing service by our physicians, neurologists, physiotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, general practitioners and speech therapists ensure that the best care is being provided at all times. Close cooperation with the JCI accredited University Hospital Ostrava only 10 km away from our clinic allows us to provide specialist examinations, treatment or transfer of the client to the hospital if necessary. Profiles of our senior practitioners are available below. Should you require more specific details about professional registration and qualifications of our medical team, please contact our International Clients Coordinator.

Dr Tomáš Bauko

Rehabilitation physician

Senior Consultant of Sanatoria Klimkovice


Dr Tomáš Bauko has many years of experience in neurorehabilitation of adult and paediatric patients. He works predominantly with international clients and is fluent in English. He specialises in patients with multiple sclerosis and he runs a consulting centre for these clients at Sanatoria Klimkovice. In the past, he worked at the Department of Neurology of HavířovHospital; subsequently, he worked at the Department of Therapeutic Rehabilitation at University Hospital Ostrava for 8 years. Dr Bauko’s work experience includes a study stay the Valence Rehabilitation Clinic in Switzerland. Besides his medical practice, Dr Bauko is also engaged in lecturing activities at specialised conferences and workshops, focussing on neurorehabilitation.

Dr Lenka Dzidová

Clinical speech therapist

Guarantor for logopaedics at Sanatoria Klimkovice


The main specialisation of Dr Dzidová is speech and cognitive therapy focussed on persons suffering from consequences of a stroke. Dr Dzidová also specialises in the treatment of children with autism spectrum disorders. She is fluent in sign language and she provides therapy in English, Russian, Polish and Arabic and Czech. Dr Dzidová has long-term practical experience in consulting and therapeutic activities at logopaedic nurseries, at a paediatric rehabilitation day care centre for children with combined disorders, and at a paediatric diagnostic centre of neurology. She graduated from postgraduate study in special pedagogy and her experience includes working as a senior consultant of the autistic section in Damman - Complex for Special Education and Rehabilitation in Saudi Arabia for 2 years.

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