Eva Iskřicka (32), Czech republic

Hello! My name is Eva. Five years ago, I suffered a brain haemorrhage. Since that time, I have been looking for a therapy that would help as much as possible. Classic rehabilitation therapy keeps my health. The only things that help me are special therapies which Sanatoria Klimkovice offers.


I started with the program Klim-Therapy and later I tried the CI Therapy. I am very pleased with therapy, because I can see immediate results. At first, I used a wheelchair for the movement. Now I can walk only with a walking stick. My walking is safer, faster, and I'm less tired.
Effects of therapy are noticeable in my everyday life. I learned to walk up the stairs even more comfortably. A month ago, I even tried to walk up the tower of the New Town Hall in Prague. I wouldn’t have dared it before the therapy. I also try to walk outside; I could go for walks with our dog.

CI therapists have a friendly attitude. They are doing their utmost to improve health of each client. I highly recommend this therapy to everyone.

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